Life is an EXPERIMENT …

In keeping with my goal of providing FREE printables for you to use in your creative endeavors, planning or as little encouragers to give to others (as I do with my monthly mailers)…I have designed this card for the month of August.

I had a lot of fun painting the original piece.   If you have followed me and my journey for any amount of time, you have learned that I LOVE creating art, especially mixed media using recycled materials.

This image is not exception.  I have been obssessed with saving junk mail envelopes to repurpose in my art projects.

I recently grabbed a larger envelope that had been delivered to my mailbox containing advertising specialty items.  And spent a relaxing evening plopping paint all over the ourtside of it.


Then, I uploaded the artwork to the computer to continue creating digitally.  By the time I had finished, I had created several elements to use as a digital kit for a junk journal class I am teaching.

Painty Book

This is a page from the inside of the book.  The cover was created using the large painted envelope cut down to a 6″x9″ size. The pages inside were made from paper I had left over from previous projects, and recycled materials, as well as the digital elements I created on the computer from the painted envelope.  The above photo shows a page in the junk journal that showcases some of the repurposed items, (scrapbook paper, old book page, clothing tag, and painted art).

I have challenged myself to find multiple uses for the art I created.  As ususal, I used the art for my monthly birthday card mailers and then sat down to work on more digital items to include in the kit I am designing for another upcoming class.

The resulting image is a 3″x4″ journal card you can download for personal use.


In addition to printing as a journal card, the image can be resized and printed as postcards (I PRINT 4 TO A PAGE AND SET THE PRINTER TO FULL BLEED).

I would love to see what you are making…and how you incorporate this design in your art, creative spaces or planning.  Please tag me on social media an show me how you are using it.  I can be found online at:


Morning Routine|Free Printable

“Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams.” -Robert K. Greenleaf

“Your brain has the ability to change and develop physiologically, and it does so based on how you use it. You have the ability to strengthen and develop your brain by thinking about a compelling future for yourself, by regularly and repeatedly thinking about an inspiring vision where you emotionally connect with the life you desire. You can train your brain to act on your vision just by thinking about it. The first step is creating an inspiring vision and learning how to stay connected with it.” – from 12 Week Year

For me, training my brain to act on my vision is found in the routines.  We are creatures of habit and as Henry Ford is quoted as saying, “whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right.” 

What you think about – you bring about!  

This happens whether you are being intentional with your thoughts and actions, as with following a morning routine, for example.  Or whether you are unintentional with your thoughts and actions, which by the way turn in to habits…

the habit of sleeping in because you can … 

the habit of taking a shower whenever you think about it … 

the habit of sitting on the couch all day, because “Why not? I have no where to go.”… 

the habit of self-imposed isolation which can and does, lead to depression.

For the 31 Days of Planner Fun Challenge, I am sharing my morning routine with you here along with a free printable you can use in your planner to help you get started with creating your own morning routine.  Or if you already have one, perhaps this can help you keep it front and center whether you actually place it in your planner or hang it on your wall next to your bed so you see it each morning (I may or may not do this) 🙂 

I find scheduling my morning routine into my planner helps me stay accountable to myself, my vision.  The truth is, whether you have a morning routine or not, your body and life will show it.  Having a routine will help your brain TRUST that you will take care of it…this goes for other routines as well, evening and sleep routines, work routines, family obligations and chore routines, the list can go on and on.  

When your brain trusts you, it is free to turn off the “flight or fight” survival mode and focus on strengthening and growing in the areas you are being intentional about. Your vision and goals become a reality when you are less stressed or have an effective routine for dealing with stress.  

A morning routine can help to start the day in an optimal state.  I focus my routine on three areas of my life, Being, Body, Brain.  Actually, all of my planning and routines revolve around these three categories.  

When I am consistent with my routine, I am more alert, engaged, productive and able to handle the stressors of life.  Because let’s face it, stress happens but how we respond to stress determines the outcome.  

Download your FREE PRINTABLE here and tag me on social media with how you are implementing it.  

Join me this month for all things planner related, OneBookJuly2018 and 31 Days of Planner Fun on social media at:

Facebook and Instagram as @theorganizedmiss

YouTube @Deanna – The Organized Miss and check out


Journal/Postcards | Free Printable

Every month, I like to sit down and design a new postcard image to use for the Birthday Card Ministry at my church.

The current image I am working on utilizes the “junk journal” style of art, which happens to be my favorite form of art, right now.  I recently created a couple of journal cards to use in tuck spots in my junk journal and quickly realized I would like to use them as postcards.

I used some older digital printables I had lying around in a stack of paper as the background pieces.  I added bits of ephemera that I had cut out of recycled magazines, old sheet music and even packaging from my butter!  Nothing is off limits when creating junk journal art.  And let’s not forget the textiles, here I added bits of burlap and a doily.  Of course not all items are junk, some are simply being repurposed from their original use.

After creating the little cards, I upload them to my computer and modified the size and add any digital artwork before printing them out.

Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 5.32.19 PM.png

Finally, I decide on making each one unique by using stamps and sometimes stickers.  Then a personalized message is included on the back with the address and then it is ready for the post office.


Feel free to download these images, for personal use only.  They make great journal cards or can be mailed to a friend.  Simply right click on the image and save to your computer.




If you would like to know when I upload more printables:

 Subscribe to my  001-video  channel

I would love to see how your using them, so please tag me: 

003-photo  @theorganizedmiss

And JOIN the conversation in my Facebook group where I advocate, educate and entertain:

002-social @theorganizedmiss



DOTK – Peaceful

Thank you for joining me for this “experiment”  !!!


Download the “Peaceful” printable by clicking on the image and saving to your computer.  Then, watch the first Virtual Bible Study video in this series as I created the art to illustrate this verse:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7 

God. spoke this verse over me near the beginning of the season of my life that was marked by headaches, hospitalizations, and cognitive impairments and it helped me focus on Him and not the anxiety I was experiencing.  Yes, I still felt and exhibited the signs of anxiety, however, I knew He was with my and I was not alone.

Digital/Virtual Bible Study – DOTK

This past year brought a lot of healing and a lot of new things.  One of those ‘new things’ was using the computer to create images that I used in my devotions.  The result is a journal that I can use for sermon notes, journaling, Bible study or a springboard of inspiration.

I have been praying about the next steps with this project and have finally felt lead as to the direction to go and recently shared it on my channel.

You can watch the video here …


Also, I decided to make the first printable available to download.  My goal is to have one printable as a FREE download with each Digital/Virtual Bible Study video and will have a link in the description box to the download.

Be sure to use the hashtag #TOMDOTK and tag me on social media with how you use the printables in your self-care, devotional, or arts & crafts!

I am @theorganizedmiss on Facebook and Instagram

Thank you for joining me in this new Bible Study devotional series.

Goals – How to set and reach them

Ask people closest to me and they will tell you that I am a highly creative person and have a ton of great ideas.  In fact, someone very close to me, my brother-in-law, made the following statement yesterday. “This is the first time I have ever known you to complete something you have started and you have been staying on task for the past year now.”  True statement. Starting one project after another is not a challenge for me…it never has been. What has been a challenge in the past was completing those projects and accomplishing those goals. So what is different now?

One word…organization!

I have found the organizational system that works for me.  Oh, I have tried so many ways (think Franklin Covey) to stay organized in the past but to no avail.  Why? Because I was trying to think the way someone else thinks and therefore I failed every time. I didn’t fully understand how my brain worked and as a result felt I like a failure.  My daughter pointed out that I have taught her how to fail and keep trying again. Each failure was a lesson in what doesn’t work for me.

The challenge then became about learning what would work for me.  We are all different but there are some similarities we can focus on when determining how to set and reach goals.  I am a highly creative individual who thinks outside the box and needs an organizational system that works with my thinking style. My brain vacillates between a left and right brain thinking styles so I am not predominantly a left brain, list making planner, nor am I predominantly a right brain, visual planner – rather I am a mix of the two and fluctuate on a daily basis and therefore need to have separate systems set up to help me stay on task when my brain changes gears.  ←- This was a HUGE “aha” for me!

Because I didn’t understand that I needed the two different styles, I would fail to reach objectives when using a left brain, list-making logic-based approach and my brain starting thinking in its creative right hemisphere.  Now, I have a planning system, Bilateral Planning, that allows me to alternate between the two formats as quickly as my brain shifts gears…that can be pretty fast…and I am able to stay on task and reach my goals.

Are you a predominantly left brain, list maker who needs to see everything, structured and in black and white, or in digital form?  Are you predominantly a right brain, creative who needs a lot of real estate on your paper to doodle, draw or color code? Or, are you like me and need a combination of the two?  Knowing this one aspect of yourself, how you think, will help you tremendously in your goal setting process.

Learn more about Bilateral Planning and receive a FREE printable to help you start designing your own organizational system!

Mixed Media Cards

Time to share another FREE printable!

I love making mixed media journal cards and have started creating birthday cards in the same style.  Recently, I was requested to make a video teaching how I make them and it is available on my YouTube channel.

I decided to provide some of my favorites as a printable you can use in your art or Bible journaling, with Project Life, or to write a quick note on and give to a friend.  How you use them is up to you, but they are for personal use only.

Faith, Hope and Love – Journal Cards